Verify Lab

Verify Lab

Make sure embedded Ansible role is enabled and running

Before we start, we want to make sure the embedded Ansible role is enabled and running.

Log into your CloudForms Appliance

Click on your user name on the top right and click on Configuration

navigate to configuration

Make sure the “Embedded Ansible” Role is enabled

ansible role enabled

Click on Diagnostics in the accordion on the left and click on the Workers tab

Make sure you can see a line indicating the “Embedded Ansible Worker” is in state “started”

ansible worker started

OpenStack Provider status

Let’s now check the OpenStack Provider:

Navigate to Compute -> Clouds -> Providers

navigate to cloud providers

You should see a tile icon labeled “OpenStack”. Click on it.

OpenStack provider tile icon

Click on Authentication -> Re-check Authentication Status

re-check authentication

This will validate the credentials are correct, and it will also restart the provider specific background processes.

After reloading the page, the provider tile should show a green check mark and the last update fields should report “less than a minute ago”.

Red Hat Virtualization Provider status

Let’s then check the RHV Provider:

Navigate to Compute -> Infrastructure -> Providers

navigate to cloud providers

You should see a tile icon labeled “OpenStack”. Click on it.

OpenStack provider tile icon

Click on Authentication -> Re-check Authentication Status

re-check authentication

This will validate the credentials are correct, and it will also restart the provider specific background processes.

vCenter Provider status

Last but not leat, let’s check the vCenter Provider:

Navigate to Compute -> Infrastructure -> Providers

navigate to cloud providers

You should see a tile icon labeled “vCenter”. Click on it.

OpenStack provider tile icon

Click on Authentication -> Re-check Authentication Status

re-check authentication

This will validate the credentials are correct, and it will also restart the provider specific background processes.

Go back to Compute -> Infrastructure -> Providers

navigate to infrastructure providers

Check all providers show a green check mark

all providers healthy

Now you’re ready to go!