Verify Lab

Verify provider status

Before you start to work on the lab tasks, verify your lab is in a healthy status.

OpenStack Provider status

Let’s first check the OpenStack Provider:

Navigate to Compute -> Clouds -> Providers

navigate to cloud providers

You should see a tile icon labeled “OpenStack”. Click on it.

OpenStack provider tile icon

Click on Authentication -> Re-check Authentication Status

re-check authentication

This will validate the credentials are correct, and it will also restart the provider specific background processes.

The provider tile should show a green check mark and the last update fields should report “less than a minute ago”.

Red Hat Virtualization Provider status

Let’s then check the RHV Provider:

Navigate to Compute -> Infrastructure -> Providers

navigate to cloud providers

You should see a tile icon labeled “OpenStack”. Click on it.

OpenStack provider tile icon

Click on Authentication -> Re-check Authentication Status

re-check authentication

This will validate the credentials are correct, and it will also restart the provider specific background processes.

The provider tile should show a green check mark and the last update fields should report “less than a minute ago”. You can click on the little arrow icon to reload the status page.