Test the State Machine

Test the State Machine

Now is time to test all the work you´ve done during the lab.

  • Navigate to Compute -> Infrastructure -> Virtual Machines.

Make sure you’re on the root “All VMs & Templates”. If you see the details of a Virtual Machine or Template, the “Provision VMs” item will not appear in the “Lifecycle” menu.

  • Click on Lifecycle -> Provision VMs.

  • In the Provision Virtual Machines screen select the “RHEL-7.6” Template and click Continue.

  • On the Requests tab the email address is the only required field. Enter your email address and optionally enter some data into the other fields as well.

  • Select now the Catalog tab, in the bottom area enter a VM Name or if you want CloudForms to automatically name it for you just use “changeme”.

  • Click on Environment tab, select the “rhvh1.example.com” as a destination host and select the datastore “data”.

  • In the Network tab select the “ovirtmgmt” network from the dropdown list.

  • Go to Customize tab and select “Specification” from the dropdown list and fill out the other details:

Root Password: r3dh4t1!

Address Mode: DHCP

Customization Template: oVirt cloud-init

  • Click on Submit.

  • Wait until the request finishes and go to the Satellite UI (sat-GUID.rhpds.opentlc.com), you will find your VM registered in the hosts area.

To access the Satellite UI, you will have to use the following URL:


If you GUID is 1234, the URL will looks like this:


Username: admin

Password: r3dh4t1!

As you can see in this lab, the flexibility and possibilities that CloudForms offers to our customers, in combination with Embedded Ansible and Ansible Tower, have increased significantly in the 5.0 release.