Test Service Catalog

Order the previously created Service Catalog Item from the Service Catalog to verify it was created correctly.

Test the Service Catalog Item

We want to make sure the resulting Service Catalog Item actually works.

  • Navigate to Services -> Catalogs.

  • Click on Service Catalogs in the accordion on the left, if not already selected.

  • Select the “Install Package” Service Catalog Item.

  • Click Order.

  • Select the following options:

Machine Credentials: Virtual Machine Credentials

These are the credentials stored in CloudForms earlier, to log into the target machine.

Hosts: localhost (should already be the default)

On which machine the Playbook should be executed.

package_name: httpd (should already be the default)

The variable specified when creating the Service Catalog Item, which can be overriden by the end user during order.

  • Click on Submit.

  • After submitting your order, you will be redirected to the Requests Queue. You should also see pop up notifications on the top right informing you about the progress of your order.

Click on Refresh to monitor the progress of your order

  • Navigate to Services -> My Services.

  • Every time a user places an order an object under “My Services” is created. You should see one tile labeled “Install Package”. If you hae multiple tiles, it can be useful to switch to the Detail view to get see when a Service was ordered.

  • Click on the tile icon to get more details.

  • Click on the tab Provisioning to see details of the Ansible Playbook run.

In this example the Playbook completed successfully. In your case it might be still running and not be complete. Click the little reload icon on the page to reload the information while the Playbook is executed in the background.