Add Ansible Tower Provider

To be able to use Ansible Tower Jobs or Workflows in the CloudForms Service Catalog, the provider has to be added and configured first.

  • Navigate to Automation -> Ansible Tower -> Explorer.

  • Click on Configuration -> Add a new Provider.

  • Enter the details of your Ansible Tower Server:

Name: Ansible Tower

Zone: Default


Verify Peer Certificate: disable

Username: admin

Password: r3dh4t1!

As you probably know by now, CloudForms is executing a lot of actions in the background. After adding the Ansible Tower Provider, it can take a minute or two until all objects are retrieved and can be seen in the CloudForms UI.

  • Click Validate to verify the Hostname and the Credentials.

  • Click Add to create the Provider.

Review the retrieved items

After adding the Ansible Tower Provider, verify the inventory has been populated in CloudForms.

  • Click on Configured Systems in the accordion on the left.

  • Verify you see “cfme008” or any other system listed.

  • Click on Templates in the accordion on the left.

  • Verify you a number of Tower Job Templates and Workflow Templates.