Control Policies

Policies and Ansible

In this lab we will cover how to create an action in CoudForms that executes an Ansible Playbook.

Creating the Service

Control Policies drive Control Actions. Ansible Playbooks can now be executed as a control action, this is done by the control action calling a service. Therefore we need to create a service for the action to call.

First we need to create a Catalog to store the service in, do this by clicking Services/Catalogs and create new by clicking Configuration button and selecting Add New Catalog.

Create a Service Catalog Item for the Playbook

Click on Catalog Items in the accordion on the left

navigate to service catalog items

Click on Configuration -> Add a New Catalog Item

Select Ansible Playbook as “Catalog Item Type”

add catalog item ansible Playbook

Do not select Ansible Tower! We do not use Ansible Tower in this lab, but the embedded Ansible role of CloudForms.

Fill out the form to define the service catalog item:

Name: VM reset for CPU and Memory

Description: Reconfigure VMware VM for CPU and Memory

Display in Catalog: No (uncheck the box)

Catalog: Ansible

Repository: Github

Playbook: vmware_reconfigure_vm.yml

Machine Credentials: CFME Default Credentials

Cloud Type VMware

Cloud Credential vCenter

In the box Variables & Default Values we can enter the variables the Playbook requires:

Variable: vcenter_server


Click on the little plus icon (+) to save the variable. Repeat the process for the second variable:

Variable: guest_server

Default: <TBD>

Click on the little plus icon (+) to save the variable.

Dialog: create new

Dialog name: vm_reconfig


Creating Control Action

Navigate to Control -> Explorer and click on the Actions accordion


Click on the Actions accordion


Select Configuration/Add a new Action


Fill out the form as follows

Description: Reset VM for CPU and Memory

Action Type: Run Ansible Playbook

Playbook Catalog Item: VM reset for Memory and CPU

Inventory: Localhost

Leave the inventory on “Localhost” this is because the playbook that is run as part of the service you created is to be ran on the CloudForms appliance. The other options are

  • Run the playbook in the service on the machine that raises the event.
  • Comma Delimited list of Hosts.


Click Add

Next we will create the Policy to call the action. The use case that will be demonstrated is when a VM changes its hardware settings, CloudForms will change it back.

Create VM Control Policy

Navigate to *Policies and then select VM Control Policies


Select Configuration/Add a New VM and Instance Control policy


In the form you just need to provide the Description

Description: Reset VM for CPU and Memory


Setting Event Assignment

Once added click Configuration/Edit this Events Assignment


Scroll down and select “VM Settings Change” under the VM Configuration


Click Save

Setting Control Action on Event

Click on the Event that is now save to the policy


Select Configuration/Edit Actions for the Policy Event


Scroll the Available Actions For Conditions that are TRUE and move the Action you just created to the Selected Actions


Click Save

The policy will react to events that are “VM Settings Change”, upon the event detected it will run the action “Reconfigure VMware VM for CPU and Memory” that is in turn a Service that is a Ansible Playbook.

Creating and Assigning Policy Profile

For a policy to work, it needs a policy profile to be attached to. The policy profile also needs to be assigned to an object in CloudForms.

Navigate to Control -> Explorer -> Policy Profiles


Click Configuration/Add New Policy Profile


Provide a Description

Description: Desired State Policies

Move the “Reset VM for CPU and Memory” policy from available to Profile Policies list.


Click Save

Assign the policy profile

Navigate to Compute -> Infrastructure -> Virtual Machines


Select a Power Off VM

Go to Policy -> Manage Policies


Select the “Desired State Policy Profile”


Click Save

This has assigned the Desired State Policy Profile to the individual VM. When the VM is configured for CPU or Memory, CloudForms will reset it back to 1CPU and 1GB memory.

Testing the Policy Profile

We will see the output in CloudForms in the form of a service in my services as well as the actual VM inventory will change. To see more real time, it’s advised during testing to open the policy.log file on the CloudForms appliance. This shows when events are caught by CloudForms and confirms the policy matches.

Start by going to vSphere Web Client and selecting the VM that you identified for your service and policy earlier.

Go to the vCenter console, pick the VM you assigned the Policy and modify the CPU and Memory values to

CPU: 3

Memory: 4096 MB


You can see the vSphere Web Client task running to change the CPU and Memory.

Go back to the CloudForms console and navigate to Services -> Requests


Wait until your request (service) is finished


Go back to the vCenter console and verify that is has 1 CPU and 1 GB of RAM
