
Please follow these guidelines when writing new content or when create Merge Requests.

Documentation Guidelines

  • Minimize screenshots: since UI changes happen often, we only add screenshots when absolutely necessary.

  • Target audience: the documentation and labs are written for technical audiences with some basic CloudForms/ManageIQ knowledge. Beginners are asked to use other sources, e.g. CL220 course offered by Red Hat or start with the labs documented on Christian Jung’s homepage.

  • Labs are intended to get real world experience but do not necessarily explain technical background. Refer to sources like the ManageIQ Addendum or the official CloudForms Blog.

  • Labs are supposed to be modular, in the few exceptions where this is not possible, they should reference prerequisites in the beginning of the lab.

  • The labs in this repository focus on the Ansible integration and will always be based on Ansible Tower or the Embedded Ansible capabilities whenever possible.