A typical use case is to implement integration with external systems by utilizing Ansible. In this example we want to create a new device record in phpIPAM by using an Ansible Playbook and variables which already exist in CloudForms.
Click on the Methods Class in the “Datastore” tree and then the Methods tab in the right part of the window.
Create a new Method to run a Ruby Method. Click on Configuration -> Add a new Method.
Switch the Method Type to “Inline”.
Use the following details to fill out the form.
Name: send_variable
Display Name: send variable to Ansible Playbook
Replace the existing code with the following lines:
$evm.set_state_var(:ansible_stats_hostname, hostname)
$evm.set_state_var(:ansible_stats_ip_addr, ipaddr)
Click Validate to verify there is no syntax error in the Ruby Code. The result of the check will be shown on the top of the page.
Click Add to create save the Ruby Method.
To be able to call the Method from a StateMachine, we need an associated Instance.
Click on the Instances tab and Configuration -> Add a new Instance.
Enter the following details into the Dialog:
Name: send_variable
Display Name: send variable to Ansible Playbook
Fields: In the table search the row “execute” and put “send_variable” into the “value” field.
To run the Ansible Playbook during Virtual Machine Provisioning, we have to change the “RegisterDHCP” state to the State Machine.
Click on the “Provision VM from Template” Instance.
Click on Configuration -> Edit this Instance.
Edit the row “RegisterDHCP” with the following details:
Value: /Infrastructure/VM/Provisioning/StateMachines/Methods/send_variable
We use an existing placeholder state for our new Ruby Method. It would be more clean to modify the State Machine, but for the purpose of this lab, we want to keep things simple.